

Problems with line breaks; bash scripts are not running

  • Error-Messages
    • something like cannot find  env bash\r
  • the MaSyMoS-Repositories use the Unix-Way of writing line breaks and UTF-8 encoding


Differences Unix/Windows line-breaks

  • Unix-Systems use the line-feed (LF, \n) as line-break-character
  • Windows uses the carriage-return AND line-feed (CRLF, \r\n) as line-break-characters (like an old typewriter)


Ways to deal with the differences

  • configure your git that way, that…

    • on checkout, all LF will become CRLF
    • on push, all CRLF will become LF
    • ⚠ this may lead to unexpected behaviour, especially with bash-scripts!
  • check out repositories without changes and only use editors, that preserve the Unix-line-breaks, like Notepad++, Atom, IntelliJ or Eclipse (you may need to configure it in some cases)


Ways to deal with the differences

  • if you've build the docker image with the 'wrong' line endings, make sure, to build it again using the rebuild parameter


  • you have to preserve the LF, please do not use CRLF - do not use Windows Notepad…; this means:
    • core.autocrlf=input
    • core.safecrlf=true
  • if you are just using git
    • edit the setting core.autocrlf=input, you can set it globally or per repository
      • options
        • true will change LF to CRLF on checkout and CRLF to LF on push
        • false will do nothing with the line endings
        • input will preserver LF on checkout and on push
      • git documentation on AutoCrLf
      • check setting for current repository: git config --list
        • if the setting is not existing, the default value is used
      • set setting for current repository: git config --add core.autocrlf input
    • please check, that core.safecrlf=true, you can set it globally or per repository
      • options
        • true this setting will check your files before a commit, if the operation is reversible; about on problems
        • warn this setting will check your files before a commit, if the operation is reversible; warn on problems
        • false this setting will NOT check your files before a commit; do not use this
      • documentation on SafeCrLf
      • check setting for current repository: git config --list
        • if the setting is not existing, the default value is used
      • set setting for current repository: git config --add core.safecrlf true
  • if you use TortoiseGit
    • During installation on a Windows System the software asks how to handle Unix/Windows line-breaks. Default is "checkout windows style" and "check in Unix style". This causes trouble when running shell scripts on windows.
    • If you want to change the behaviour for a specific repository do the following:
      1. clone/create the desired repository
      2. right click on the directory, TortoiseGit -> Settings
      3. in the upcomming window click on Git (left)
      4. change "Config Source" to local
      5. change "AutoCrLf" to input
      6. change "SafeCrLf" to true
      7. delete all files in the directory except ".git" (this directory may be hidden)
      8. right click on the now empty directory, TortoiseGit -> Revert
      9. files are pulled again, containing only Unix line-breaks


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