.. _use_troubleshooting: *************** Troubleshooting *************** .. include:: rst_directives.rst .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Windows ####### Problems with line breaks; bash scripts are not running ======================================================= - Error-Messages - something like ``cannot find env bash\r`` - the MaSyMoS-Repositories use the Unix-Way of writing line breaks and UTF-8 encoding .. Note:: Differences Unix/Windows line-breaks - Unix-Systems use the line-feed (LF, ``\n``) as line-break-character - Windows uses the carriage-return AND line-feed (CRLF, ``\r\n``) as line-break-characters (like an old typewriter) .. Note:: Ways to deal with the differences - configure your git that way, that… - on checkout, all LF will become CRLF - on push, all CRLF will become LF - ⚠ this may lead to unexpected behaviour, especially with bash-scripts! - check out repositories without changes and only use editors, that preserve the Unix-line-breaks, like Notepad++, Atom, IntelliJ or Eclipse (you may need to configure it in some cases) .. Note:: Ways to deal with the differences - if you've build the docker image with the 'wrong' line endings, make sure, to build it again using the ``rebuild`` parameter Solution -------- - you have to preserve the LF, please do not use CRLF - do not use Windows Notepad…; this means: - ``core.autocrlf=input`` - ``core.safecrlf=true`` - if you are just using git - edit the setting ``core.autocrlf=input``, you can set it globally or per repository - options - ``true`` will change LF to CRLF on checkout and CRLF to LF on push - ``false`` will do nothing with the line endings - ``input`` will preserver LF on checkout and on push - `git documentation on AutoCrLf `__ - check setting for current repository: :c_bash:`git config --list` - if the setting is not existing, the default value is used - set setting for current repository: :c_bash:`git config --add core.autocrlf input` - please check, that ``core.safecrlf=true``, you can set it globally or per repository - options - ``true`` this setting will check your files before a commit, if the operation is reversible; about on problems - ``warn`` this setting will check your files before a commit, if the operation is reversible; warn on problems - ``false`` this setting will NOT check your files before a commit; **do not use this** - `documentation on SafeCrLf `__ - check setting for current repository: :c_bash:`git config --list` - if the setting is not existing, the default value is used - set setting for current repository: :c_bash:`git config --add core.safecrlf true` - if you use TortoiseGit - During installation on a Windows System the software asks how to handle Unix/Windows line-breaks. Default is "checkout windows style" and "check in Unix style". This causes trouble when running shell scripts on windows. - If you want to change the behaviour for a specific repository do the following: #. clone/create the desired repository #. right click on the directory, TortoiseGit -> Settings #. in the upcomming window click on Git (left) #. change "Config Source" to local #. change "AutoCrLf" to input #. change "SafeCrLf" to true #. delete all files in the directory except ".git" (this directory may be hidden) #. right click on the now empty directory, TortoiseGit -> Revert #. files are pulled again, containing only Unix line-breaks Neo4J ##### Blank page of neo4j web interface on localhost:7474 =================================================== This can happen, if your browser tries to load something from cache. Try to avoid cache by reloading the page with ``Ctrl+F5`` or disable the cache in your browser.